In His Presence

The Love Power Bank. Stay Charged Up!
there’s power available in God’s love. John 3 v 16 tells us that God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him, should not die, but have everlasting life

The Crises of Lovelessness
there’s power available in God’s love. John 3 v 16 tells us that God so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him, should not die, but have everlasting life

God is good…All the time, God is good.
This is a matter that every individual, every child of the Most High God is encouraged to understand, one way

Is Your Spiritual Diet Balanced?
Having a balanced diet is very important to our physical growth and development. However we give little importance to the

Trust Issues That Keep Tripping Us Up
Father God prefers to deal with 100% trust. The world says, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. The

What is Your Belief System Drawer like?
A belief is something we consider to be a fact. It enters into our subconscious and we assume they are

Never Lose the Awe of God
God is the vital necessity in our life. This implies that He is so intricately involved and required for the sustenance of

Be Encouraged Church, You are Entering into Your Finest Hour
Much had been predicted about this corona epidemic, but it still caught the world unawares. This virus is having disastrous

Stand still and see the Deliverance the Lord will bring Today
What challenges are you facing? Do they seem overwhelming? I have been reflecting on the exodus from Egypt. The Lord

There’s the word called ‘Relationship’ that the Lord has been highlighting to me. It’s a word that Father God seems

The Christmas lights and decorations are still on
The Christmas lights and decorations are still on the streets, and in restaurants and shops. The Christmas season is still

Learn to Enjoy Where You Are
Life has been described as a journey. A journey happens over a period of time. There is a beginning, and