We exist to awaken the body of Christ to the extravagant love of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

Lapis Lazuli Ministries aims to achieve its mission by coming alongside Churches and other bodies of believers and encouraging trainings through conferences, seminars and outreaches, to express the supernatural life of Jesus Christ as modelled by Him.


Prophetic & Healing Training

A 5-session Healing training and 6-week Prophetic training all online.

The trainings are intended for Church or Ministry Groups requiring training to be effective and impactful in the Healing and Prophetic ministry.

If you are interested in these trainings, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected] or call us on +234 703 437 1401.

Kingdom Renewal Conference Messages

LapisLM app

Lapis LM App

Get unlimited access to Worship, Prophetic and Healing resources by searching for Lapis LM App on your respective stores and install it.

Our Streams

We express God’s love in different streams and you may engage with us via any of the channels below.

Teachings & Testimonies

Listen to life-changing messages that express the Father’s love.

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LapisLM App

Get unlimited access to Worship, Prophetic and Healing resources by searching for Lapis LM App on your respective stores and install it.

Conference Donations

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