
Dr Randy Clark is the Founder and President of Global Awakening Ministry. It is an apostolic ministry that aims to equip the body of Christ through ministry school, training programmes, conferences and international mission trips. Through his ministry, Randy has seen tens of thousands healed and brought to salvation in his extensive travels.
With more than 30 years of pastoral experience and over 44 years of ministry, Randy’s love for people is radiated. Dr Randy Clark’s growing understanding of the ways of God causes Him to see more of the glory of God and His healing power. His anointing for healing and imparting the gifts of the Holy Spirit is strong. John Wilber heard the audible voice of God telling him that Randy would travel the world, laying hands on pastors and leaders to activate them and impart to them gifts of the Holy Spirit. He was used mightily by God to birth the revival that broke out in Toronto, Canada in January 1994.
Dr Randy Clark has visited Nigeria on three previous occasions. He was also with us last year at our first online conference. We are so pleased that he is joining us again online. Randy Clark is married to De Anne and they have 4 children and many grandchildren.